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Silent Gems

#3: A Short Afterthought

October 30, 2023


Just a short afterthought: ‘What devilish times we live in… again’, Adam commented last night.

It brought me to remembering with pleasure the Maya Deren screenings of two weeks back, where we as usual tried to spread some light during these dark and ‘devilish times’. It was heartening indeed to see such an astonishing turn-out, but even more so was the atmosphere. And I smiled when I saw that our two resident pianists were there -- the wonderful Desiree Oduah and Mila Maia – on their nights off, so to speak. To me that speaks volumes for this little community that Adam has created.

I’ve begun to anticipate with warmth familiar faces, as a regular group now appears almost every week. Some come only for the comedies, others for whatever delights of yesteryear are in store; but it is heartening to see every one of them. These are our simple pleasures, and such times as we are living through it gives old cynics like Your Humble Narrator… hope for the future.

The showings were without a doubt enhanced by the accompanying performance on the harp by Francesca Lundvall, whose playing seemed strangely appropriate alongside Deren’s peculiar brand of genius.

This is my long-winded way of saying how much I feel that these regular screenings at the Silent Cinema Galway have added to the cultural life of the city and that I hope you have a memorable evening this coming Friday 13th with the second annual ‘Haunted Nickelodeon’ showing – organized in conjunction with the newly-engaged Holly and Mikey of Cinephile Paradiso. Congratulations to you both!

Yes… we could all use a little love in our lives at the moment.
